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  • Go to the cinema09.23.2024
    19:00 h - Instituto Hemingway
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Course for Spanish as a Foreign Language teachers
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Alicia Moreno Delgado

Learn to be a spanish foreign language teacher

To teach is to serve. This means that we must be willing to offer our knowledge to others. It’s an act of generosity that not everyone wants to take and not everyone is willing to accept. When we transmit knowledge we also need to be sure that it is captured by the recipient and that it will be useful to them at some point. If this is not achieved, then it is not being taught.

To learn everyone has to serve. Everybody finds something that they want to learn; but it’s more difficult to find someone who wants to teach. For someone who wants to teach it’s a privilege to find someone who wants to learn, and if you would like to teach for a living then the job satisfaction is endless. There are few things most rewarding than to help another person to develop in life, whatever that may be. By dedicating all your time to this, should be the best reward for those who like to teach, and of course, for those who dedicate themselves to it will reap the rewards.

Courses such as ELE for teachers make you decide whether teaching is really for you and if you have the aptitude. They give you the opportunity not only to specialise in a certain field of education but also to direct your professional career and take the necessary steps to be able to dedicate yourself to what you have always really wanted to do. The more you learn about teaching the more convinced you will be that this is for you and the more you teach the more you will feel sure that this is your mission; If you when you teach you feel happy and receive a sense of personal satisfaction from doing it; if you manage to convey to students the satisfaction of learning then you have found your career path.

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